Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Life. In Pictures: Day 4

It's Day 4 in Amber's Photo Adventure! The topic today something you do every day.

So, here you go, I was thinking of coffee, Starbucks, snuggles with my child..but I opted for this.

This picture shows how a day starts and ends for me...taking my temp before I even try to get out bed .. (that'd be the start) and then every night after stories, bible story and devotional, and finally prayer Bryan comes from his room into mine, curls up makes sure I say "Sweet Dreams" and start up Big Rock Candy Mountain for him to fall asleep to -- as he's cuddled up of course.


  1. So sweet Jenn... I love your night time ritual and pray that very soon you can stop doing your temp day in and day out!

  2. Thanks for the look into your daily life.

  3. The second I saw your picture without even reading the words, I had tears in my eyes.
