Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Life. In Pictures: Day 2

So it's day two in Amber's Photo Challenge! Today's theme is ... "Something on your table." -- well my table is kind of crowded right now, it's been a busy day...

Let's see, what do we have... a peek of a laundry basket (our laundry closet is in the dining area), then I was cleaning out my camera bag so we have an extra body, assortment of lenses, flash, extra battery (need to find #3!!) my coffee cup that my mom bought me when I had my son, my DS, ever present "Dinner Games" tin, camera bag, kid's homework folder, and various art projects that the child has started...as witnessed by the paint residue around my coffee cup...

Guess I need to clean up the table before dinner tonight!


  1. Now that you've directed my attention to the tablecloth..that in itself looks very cute but also kid-friendly!

  2. Lovin' the dinner games tin, thanks for the link to that.
    A table is a great peak into what is going on in our lives!

  3. Love the tablecloth. I love that purse too!

  4. Don't you love the whole "clean off the table for dinner" process?
